Expanding the quarry
would make Glenwood the pits!

How the quarry expansion will impact our community

View of proposed RMR expansion from Glenwood Springs Adventure Park. Photo: Davis Deaton

View of proposed RMR expansion from Glenwood Springs Adventure Park. Photo: Davis Deaton

View of proposed RMR expansion from Glenwood Springs High School. Photo: Katrina Nelson, Windfirm Photography

View of proposed RMR expansion from Glenwood Springs High School. Photo: Katrina Nelson, Windfirm Photography

View of proposed RMR expansion including Target from Wulfsohn Road. Photo: Katrina Nelson, Windfirm Photography

View of proposed RMR expansion including Target from Wulfsohn Road. Photo: Katrina Nelson, Windfirm Photography


This Doesn’t Add-up 
for Glenwood


450 trucks per day,
12 hours a day

The RMR proposal anticipates 450 trucks over a 12-hour workday. If you stand at a single spot you would see a truck go by an average of every 48 seconds, every day, for twelve hours.


5 Million tons per year

The mine will have to average a production of 38,000 pounds per minute for its entire 12-hour production shift every day of the year. That’s 19 tons per minute.


Rail cars every 5.25 minutes

A rail car typically holds 100 tons of material. At the proposed rate, they’d need to fill a rail car every 5.25 minutes. This means a train will be idling on the railroad track during the entire 12-hour production shift.